
“A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

Presenting an artistic collaboration on micronationalism, narrative embroidery, speculative genealogy and epic poems at the artistic research conference NSU “ReActivate and ReVisit” – Riga/ Latvia March 2018. Collaborators: Anna Frew, Betsy Lamborn and Freï von Fräähsen zu Lorenzburg. The Battle of Wayoh (as written and told by Betsy Lamborn in the video) In the in … Continue reading “A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

Work in progress: the portrait of my foremother Agnes Pia Douglas (probably 1441 – ?)

Photoshop and period paintings team up to create collage-portraits of actual or hypothetical ancestors. Today I present the work in progress of visualizing my foremother Agnes Pia (called “little Pea”) of clan Douglas. My relative the knight Sir Runë Olausson Påfågel (1433 – 1440) was murdered while being the guest of the Clan Douglas at … Continue reading Work in progress: the portrait of my foremother Agnes Pia Douglas (probably 1441 – ?)

Jag läser och återberättar Barbara Bolt’s artikel om “The Performative Turn” i konstnärlig forskning

Artistic Research: A Performative Paradigm? I PARSE JOURNAL Issue #3 Repetitions and Reneges, hävdar Barbara Bolt att The Performative Turn (Det performativa ”greppet” eller “vändningen” [i relation till konst och forskning]) har haft en gradvis allt viktigare position i samtalet om konst och konstnärlig forskning de senaste årtiondena. Den klassiska förståelsen av ordet ’performativ’ går tillbaka till … Continue reading Jag läser och återberättar Barbara Bolt’s artikel om “The Performative Turn” i konstnärlig forskning

Vapen för Hov-Moucheämbetet

Förr var mouchen (det franska ordet för fluga) en liten skönhetsfläck av svart sammet som användes för att dölja koppärr eller som en liten accentuerande fokuspunkt för att dra blicken till ansiktet, nacken eller dekolletaget. Med tiden utvecklades mouchens placering till ett symboliskt språk som tillät bäraren att signalera om man var, eller inte var, … Continue reading Vapen för Hov-Moucheämbetet

Badge (Coat of arms) for the office of Master/Mistress of the Mouche

Once worn to conceal a blemish or to create allure, the mouche (French word for “fly”)—and its specific placement on a woman’s face or neck—would become a language under the extravagant chief mistress to Louis XV (an official role positioning her as an arbiter of taste) and was used as a code of seductive intent. … Continue reading Badge (Coat of arms) for the office of Master/Mistress of the Mouche

Coat of arms for the office of “Master/ Mistress of the Vessel”

In yonder days it was customary for a Prince, be they Pope, Emperor, King or Duke, to own an elaborate table decoration in the shape of a stemmed boat. Often the boat was in silver or gold and studded with gems to show the wealth and power of its owner. Apart from lending a certain … Continue reading Coat of arms for the office of “Master/ Mistress of the Vessel”

Coat of arms of H.S.H. Prince Andreas of Lorenzburg

H.S.H. Prince Andreas of Lorenzburg also known as the “Prince Apekatt” (Guenon) of the species Cercopithecus has been granted a new coat of arms. The blazon of the coat of arms: “Argent, orly Gules with otwards pointing seeblätter (sea leafs) Gules each seeblatt overlaid with an estoile Or. The Charge a dexter facing monkey rampant Gules … Continue reading Coat of arms of H.S.H. Prince Andreas of Lorenzburg

Heraldry that pushes the envelope….

I recently discovered a reference to a little-known “heraldic fur” called plumetty, that is supposed to depict a stylized pattern of feathers. Now, normally heraldry consists of three basic “tinctures” that is: colors (red, blue and green), metals (white – silver, yellow – gold) and furs (ermine, vair, plummety etc) and there are strict rules … Continue reading Heraldry that pushes the envelope….

Hundtext #2

Hundtext är mitt namn på den textmassa som en författare måste skriva innan hen har lärt sig att författa. I andra yrken kallas det att man gör sina hundår: Sträva för liten lön med de tråkigaste arbetsuppgifterna till dess man har bevisat sig och får anställningen eller befordran eller löneökning. Författaren måste skriva sin “Hundtext” … Continue reading Hundtext #2