
Heraldic arms: Anki von Kringeltreu created Baroness in Lorenzburg

Anki von Kringeltreu has been created Baroness in Lorenzburg in recognition of services to the nation. The family has been granted a Coat of Arms and a Seal as seen below. The text in translation: ”The mills of fairytale grind slowly but surely.” Azure a circlet Or upon which treads clockwise a snail Argent with … Continue reading Heraldic arms: Anki von Kringeltreu created Baroness in Lorenzburg

Heraldry as spring comes… A cray-cray explosion of ermine and tulips

It’s finally above 10° here in Sweden! Crocus and tulips are brightening the days and the sun offers the cheek a little warmth. Of course, me being me, I can’t help but celebrating the joy of springtime with a little heraldic fun. Today’s piece sports Ermine an ”escarboucle” (or escarbounce) Or with each spoke ending … Continue reading Heraldry as spring comes… A cray-cray explosion of ermine and tulips

”A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

Presenting an artistic collaboration on micronationalism, narrative embroidery, speculative genealogy and epic poems at the artistic research conference NSU ”ReActivate and ReVisit” – Riga/ Latvia March 2018. Collaborators: Anna Frew, Betsy Lamborn and Freï von Fräähsen zu Lorenzburg. The Battle of Wayoh (as written and told by Betsy Lamborn in the video) In the in … Continue reading ”A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

”A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

Presenting an artistic collaboration on micronationalism, narrative embroidery, speculative genealogy and epic poems at the artistic research conference NSU ”ReActivate and ReVisit” – Riga/ Latvia March 2018. Collaborators: Anna Frew, Betsy Lamborn and Freï von Fräähsen zu Lorenzburg. The Battle of Wayoh (as written and told by Betsy Lamborn in the video) In the in … Continue reading ”A Royal invitation to return to Lorenzburg” – Presentation in Riga 2018

Work in progress: the portrait of my foremother Agnes Pia Douglas (probably 1441 – ?)

Photoshop and period paintings team up to create collage-portraits of actual or hypothetical ancestors. Today I present the work in progress of visualizing my foremother Agnes Pia (called ”little Pea”) of clan Douglas. My relative the knight Sir Runë Olausson Påfågel (1433 – 1440) was murdered while being the guest of the Clan Douglas at … Continue reading Work in progress: the portrait of my foremother Agnes Pia Douglas (probably 1441 – ?)

Jag läser och återberättar Barbara Bolt’s artikel om ”The Performative Turn” i konstnärlig forskning

Artistic Research: A Performative Paradigm? I PARSE JOURNAL Issue #3 Repetitions and Reneges, hävdar Barbara Bolt att The Performative Turn (Det performativa ”greppet” eller ”vändningen” [i relation till konst och forskning]) har haft en gradvis allt viktigare position i samtalet om konst och konstnärlig forskning de senaste årtiondena. Den klassiska förståelsen av ordet ’performativ’ går tillbaka till … Continue reading Jag läser och återberättar Barbara Bolt’s artikel om ”The Performative Turn” i konstnärlig forskning